
Fish Alaska – Editor’s Choice Award 2017



Fish Alaska’s 2017 Gear Guide

Mantus Anchors awarded an Editors’ Choice Award

Best Watercraft and Accessories for Fishing in Alaska in 2017

Mantus 13-pound Anchor


Mantus anchors are available in weights from 8 pounds up to 175 pounds in galvanized- or stainless steel. We tested a 13-pound galvanized Mantus on an 18-foot Fish-Rite Rivermaster sled. Since we often use a 26-pound Columbia River-style anchor with this boat we were skeptical that a 13-pound anchor would hold in heavy current such as we commonly encounter while anchoring for halibut. Using other anchors in Cook Inlet current, we’ve occasionally broken free and drifted away from the honey hole we were trying to fish. What we experienced with the Mantus is that it set very quickly in sand, mud and gravel bottoms and it never broke free until we intentionally pulled the anchor. That’s pretty impressive. We used 3/8-inch braided nylon rope and 8 feet of chain with this anchor, same as we use with other anchors in similar conditions. The anchor’s galvanized coating is thick and we haven’t witnessed any corrosion to date. This anchor can be rigged breakaway-style with a short length of chain and zip-ties to facilitate getting it off the bottom should it become fouled. Mantus Anchors carry a lifetime warranty, structurally, and a 3-year warranty for the galvanized coating on the non-stainless versions.

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